Monday, December 3, 2007

Hellooooo Kitty

Our sisters by another mister over at Jezebel have important news about the Hello Kitty vibrator:
Those hard plastic ears? If you're not careful, they'll bruise you all up down there. Also, the actual vibration is crappy. I'd have more success with the vibrate feature on my cell phone.


Boomer said...

Egads. How DO you find these things? (Posts, I mean, not the appliance.)

superbigmuch said...

As my Korean ESL student Chue liked to say, "I pleasure Hello Kitty."

superbigmuch said...

Also, this is a new and maybe somewhat unimproved model. The one years ago on J-List didn't have the teddy bear nor the ear-ey bits that are such a cause of distress "down there."