Friday, October 5, 2007

"secret club" unveils "secret corporate logo"

"We think this will REALLY raise our secret club's profile," says VP Renee "Smoky Cupcakes" Abeln. "I mean, what more could anybody want for their secret club's image?"

"See, the stars respresent our goals, aspirations . . . dreams, if you will. The hobby horse represents how we will get to those dreams, the simple, yet charming vehicle that gets us within reach. The lasso, our methods. The tools we have at our command."

"The babe? Obviously, that respresents us." Abeln answered, noticibly irritated. "Because we're hot." She leaned forward meaningfully. "And I mean, HOT. OOOOweeee!! Spicy tamale!!!"

1 comment:

mully said...

that is almost too hot!