"2 0 0 8: The Reboot of History
Friends,2008 is more than a year. It is a turning point in history. It is the exact apex in time when the balance of ages, suspended, begins to tip away from forces and themes defining the last 2,000 years. History will now incline with ever increasing direction, for better or worse, towards those values and influences that mark a new 2,000-year era.

Hello, 2008. You are the real dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
You are the age where even the smallest individual can change the course of the future. The year indicates the midpoint in the gradual overlap of the Piscean Age subsiding into the Aquarian Age. Epoch shaking change comes now. Not in the year 2012, when it is said the Mayan Calendar of the Ancient Mesoamerican time keepers ends its 63 million year long count. Wait and you will be looking late.
The death and rebirth of ages begins right now. "
gee whiz, it looks like there will be a hell of alot of stuff going on, you know i had sort of forgot about the age of aquarius, and its dawning. i do think people are beginning to view their lives differently...
i think they are, too - i know i am.
Our guide Juan in Tikal mentioned the speculation about Mayan-related happenings in 2012. Apparently the ruin sites are gonna be overrun by crazies, like some outta control hippie jam band fest. "I will not be here," said Juan grimly.
I am particularly enchanted by this because, astrologically, I am a Pisces; however, astronomically, if we take the Earth's wobble into consideration, I am an Aquarius.
I know my moons, suns, and houses are big considerations, but I'm just going to enjoy these possibilities ...
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